Cycling, Happiness, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Performance, Well-being

Mindful living & everyday life

It is a busy world - you are bound to go off grid on some days - on days that are too stressful. The slightest change in mood that you might not notice can change the whole course of your mood leading to events of the day on different levels. To simply put it, if… Continue reading Mindful living & everyday life

Cycling, Well-being

Is it really worth it? Sustainable living vs Biodegradable products for Cyclists

If your intention is to live sustainably & be environmental as much as possible, one thing you may have to consider is the amount of chemical products you use in your life time. As cyclists, sustainable living is implied in the idea of adapting to a mindset that promote 'planet first' & 'zero emission' concepts.… Continue reading Is it really worth it? Sustainable living vs Biodegradable products for Cyclists

athlete, Cycling, Men In Cycling, Performance, Triathlon, Well-being

Men in Cycling

Born in Colombo, Sri Lanka Geeth spent his younger years playing outdoors riding his childhood bicycle around his neighbourhood -  back in school took part in any sport he did well in. Since cricket was the popular sport back when Geeth was schooling he spent a fair share of his time dedicated to the sport.… Continue reading Men in Cycling

Cycling, Fitness, Happiness, Health, Nutrition, Performance, Training, Well-being

Underfuelling – An unseen trend in cycling & it’s impact in performance

Training for sport on any level can be a tricky thing. For training at any level, our body requires massive amounts of strength for performance gains. It's no surprise that some will fail to derive their attention to nutrition with hefty achievements in mind - oddly enough, they also assume they are on the right… Continue reading Underfuelling – An unseen trend in cycling & it’s impact in performance

Cycling, Equality, Happiness, Health, Women, Women in cycling

Women in Cycling

Born in northern California, Agnes grew up with eight siblings on a farm with freedom to run about. When Agnes got into the University of California, she found herself lost in a sea of 35,000 bicycles with no motorised transport options on campus to travel. Instantly, she grew a passion to be on the saddle… Continue reading Women in Cycling

Bikepacking, Coach, Cycling, Fitness, Gravel bikes, Health, Mindfulness, Mountain biking, Performance, Touring, Travel

Conquer your climbs Kings & Queens – 5 tips on how to achieve mountainous terrains on your bike

Riding is easy for some, until they see the steeps of the ride reigning in front of their eyes. It's no reason to back down, might as well learn to be a killer mountain conqueror with these tips and hacks with loads of training time around hills. These techniques are not in particular for mountain… Continue reading Conquer your climbs Kings & Queens – 5 tips on how to achieve mountainous terrains on your bike

Awareness, Cycling, Happiness, Health, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Performance, Well-being

Emotional intelligence & performance – How EQ can help us thrive as athletes out in the field

Focus of mind is key to attuning many aspects in life; whether it is to channel profound values or perceive our surrounding, honing mental focus is an important skill to acquire to live life at its best form. For years mindfulness have been practiced through history religiously, and now in real life by many professionals… Continue reading Emotional intelligence & performance – How EQ can help us thrive as athletes out in the field

Cycling, Efficiency, Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Performance, Training, Well-being

Muscle recovery food to get you back on the bike

There’s nothing like the feeling you get after smashing a sweat-dripping intense bike ride. The rush of endorphin release in your brain will make you exhilarated, so will your body the same. But the not so desirable part? That post-ride soreness & muscle injury.  When injuries come your way, your body fall back fast &… Continue reading Muscle recovery food to get you back on the bike

Bicycle maintenance, Cycling, Fitness, Performance, Travel

Here is how you can keep your cycling ambitions flowing

With more countries loosening social engaging restrictions - cycling in particular has seen a spike with everyone taking their bikes out to get a feel of the so longed fresh air & sun. An unexpected outcome of Corona virus lock down was the mass surge in people getting into cycling and wanting to channel their… Continue reading Here is how you can keep your cycling ambitions flowing

Nutrition, Performance, Well-being

Pre Post Workout Booster – Top 5 homemade recipes we love

Whether you are on an endurance or leisure ride - or working out with heavy lifts,  nutrition is essential for your workout & body for unrepentable results. To help your body perform at its maximum capacity it's recommended to consume something high in carbohydrates before you work out. After workout aim to eat a snack… Continue reading Pre Post Workout Booster – Top 5 homemade recipes we love